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Making hardware/software systems easier and more fun to develop

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AHA Agile Hardware Project

While advances in software tools and frameworks have enabled individuals to create interesting new products in reasonable time frames, hardware designs take large teams multiple years. This disparity in required effort decreases hardware innovation and interest.  To address this issue, we must make hardware/software systems easier and more fun to develop, which means that we need to enable a more “agile” hardware development flow, making it possible to quickly and easily modify an existing design and play with the resulting system.

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Priyanka Raina named 2024 Sloan Research Fellow

AHA faculty Prof. Priyanka Raina has been awarded the 2024 Sloan Research Fellow. The fellowships honor early-career researchers whose creativity, innovation, and research accomplishments make them stand out as the next generation of leaders.


How computer chips get speedier through specialization

AHA faculty Prof. Priyanka Raina talks about her research on creating specialized chips to improve efficiency of computing systems and making the hardware design process easier and faster. 

AHA Support

AHA is supported by three strong pillars of funding: Intel's Science and Technology Center (ISTC) for Agile HW Design; DARPA/NFS government agencies; and Stanford Industrial Affiliates Program. Our research complements and coordinates with similar efforts from partners at UCB Aspire.